Religion Online Courses

The follow online classes, managed by Global Campus, are offered in interactive online asynchronous and self-paced formats.

Credits: 3

Description: Elements of grammar of the koine Greek of the New Testament, including vocabulary, translation, and reading. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 中级语法教学和新约精选部分的阅读. Offered online in one semester intensive 6 credits including BIBL 313. 同一学期注册《bet365中文》和《bet365中文》课程,为连续6学分在线强化课程.

Prerequisite: BIBL 211 Greek I
Format(s) Available:  Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Advanced Koine Reading. New Testament portions from Luke, Paul, the book of Hebrews, 对《bet365中文》的分析应该基于希腊语法和作者特有的词汇. 选自《bet365中文》和早期教父将被认为说明基督教内部思想的发展. Furthermore, introducing students to selections from Philo and Josephus. 

Prerequisite: BIBL 211 Greek I. 同一学期注册《bet365中文》和《bet365中文》课程,为连续6学分在线强化课程.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 在近东文化中介绍旧约的著作和神学, geographical, and historical backgrounds. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)

Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Languages: English, Spanish

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 介绍新约在犹太和希腊罗马文化中的著作和神学, geographical, and historical backgrounds. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 详细的使命,信息和耶稣基督的意义为他的时代和我们. 是什么让基督教故事吸引了如此多的世界历史关注? Also examines the connection between Christ’s first Advent and His second. May be taught with specific emphasis on one of the four gospels.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: An introduction to the Pentateuch and the “Writings” (historical books, Psalms, and Wisdom literature). May be taught with specific emphasis on a particular book or theme. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: A study of the meaning for the 21st century of biblical apocalyptic prophecy, 描述在现代世界中阅读和应用圣经预言的原则, comparing it with other modes of prophecy and prediction in the present culture, and assessing its relevance in view of modern global challenges. Does not count toward a Religion and Theology major.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 介绍圣经文本的各种解释方法下的前提,并将解释原则应用于代表旧约和新约各种体裁的文本. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: An introduction to the prophets of the Old Testament and their writings. May be taught with specific emphasis on a particular book or theme. 

Format(s) Available:自定进度开放学习(第901条),互动式学期学习(第950-999条)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Brief introduction to principles of New Testament interpretation; a study of Acts, the Pauline Epistles, Hebrews, and the General Epistles. Research paper may be required. May be taught with specific emphasis on a particular book or theme. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Study of the background, content, 这些圣经书卷的构造强调对预言的解释, apocalyptic imagery and symbols.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 一门本科宗教课程,探索神学和传教的实践. 本课程的目的是了解上帝在我们这个世界上的使命,并体验个人参与这一使命. 本课程的长期目标是创造一种体验,通过这种体验,上帝可以激励学生一生的服务和使命. 班级体验包括通过班级参观的方式进行密集的短期任务暴露. 注:学生传教士需要参加不同的宣教课程:RELP 325 -宣教服务准备.

Online Format: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 探索主要的世界观和宗教传统及其基本教义, beliefs, and practices. 考虑每个主要宗教对人类基本问题的分析和提出的解决方案. Students learn to respect and understand diverse beliefs and practices. Taught from a Christian perspective, 本课程旨在探索基督教与世界主要宗教之间的共同点和挑战.

Online Format: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: 调查内部和外部的发展和冲突,基督教所经历的时间和空间,从基督的时间到宗教改革. 特别关注那些与基督复临安息日会神学遗产有关的发展.

Prerequisite: HIST117 Civilization and Ideas I or permission of instructor. 不适用于宗教通识教育要求,也不适用于宗教专业.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Surveys the history of the church from the Protestant Reformation to current time. Special attention is given to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic counter-reformation, Puritanism, Rationalism, Evangel-icalism, the rise of modern denominations, the world-wide mission expansion, and ecumenism.

Prerequisite: HIST118 Civilization and Ideas II or permission of instructor. Not applicable to the GE requirements in religion.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3-4

Description: An investigation of the background, rise, 以及基督复临安息日会在美国和世界从开始到现在的发展,并特别关注其历史作用, ministry and writings of Ellen White. Theology majors take the class for 4 credits, Religion majors for 3 credits, others may elect to take HIST 400 with similar content.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Acquaintance with the dynamics of Christian witnessing in the neighborhood, at work, and in the friend-to-friend approach of personal Bible study. Christ’s example of witnessing is highlighted. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 2

Description: Lays the foundation for biblical sermon construction and delivery. 这门课是所有其他讲道课的先决条件,也是所有宗教/神学专业的必修课程.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Designed for the youth specialist who wishes to work as a youth pastor, youth director, academy Bible teacher, or in any other youth-training capacity.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: A study of the principles of leadership as applied to pastoral ministry, in particular with regard to the minister as leader of worship, as nurturing pastor, as administrator of the church and as evangelist. 本课程总结并评估学生在学习过程中所发展的实际事工组合.

Prerequisite:  RELP 240, RELP 330, and RELP 350 (waived for mature students online)
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: How God confronts human beings—includes the process of revelation, principles of interpreting Scripture and similarly inspired material, the nature of God and His expectations for humans, 以及对圣经和各种宗教经典文献中出现的这些概念的评价.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: This course covers fundamental theories of human psychosocial, moral, and faith development, transformational theology and theory, 以及旧约和新约圣经中门徒的基本原则.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Defines and clarifies the Biblical doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist faith, distinguishing them within the background of the Judeo-Christian tradition. 

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: A study of the Biblical perspective on the act of faith and the life of faith. 一个人如何开始和培养自己的个人精神和灵修生活? 并研究了精神滋养在不同生活方式和工作环境中的意义. 通过参与有组织的教会活动和/或见证外展来促进个人的属灵成长. 

Format(s) Available:自定进度开放学习(第901条),互动式学期学习(第950-999条)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits 3

Description: Christians are called to be followers or disciples of Jesus. 本课程介绍圣经中门徒概念对个人和属灵的影响. Discipleship is discussed in light of personal life, biblical teachings, and historical-theological developments.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: A continuation of RELT 100. Study of nature, sources, and methods of theology; the doctrines of God and his works (the Trinity, creation, providence, law, and Sabbath), Christ, the Holy Spirit, and human beings. Research paper may be required. 学生可以在RELT 225或RELT 325中获得通识教育学分,但不能同时获得这两门课程的学分.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Study of the doctrines of Christ and salvation (nature and works of atonement), the church (characteristics, ministry, and mission), sanctuary and Christ’s heavenly ministry, and eschatology from a distinct Seventh-day Adventist perspective. Research paper may be required.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits 3

Description: 思考犹太-基督教传统如何面对高度技术社会的道德复杂性. 是否存在跨越所有文化边界的普遍绝对,或者所有价值观都是相对的? 旨在帮助学生阐明是什么塑造了他们的价值体系,什么应该帮助塑造它. 学生应该参加一些有组织的教会/公民/社会服务活动. 学生可以获得RELT340或relt390的通识教育学分,但不能同时获得这两门课程的学分.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.

Credits: 3

Description: Addresses religious and spiritual issues of significance for healthcare. 包括从不同宗教角度讨论健康与灵性之间关系的观点. 概述了伦理系统的哲学和历史背景及其对当前医疗保健伦理挑战的重要性.

Format(s) Available: Interactive Online(section 999)
Cost:  online campus tuitionmain campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus 对于所有部分:使用当前的教学大纲购买材料,因为这些可能会改变.